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New Invoice Layout – Q & A

We’re delighted to be able to provide you with a brief overview, below, of your new look invoice which we hope will assist you with navigating it easily.

Page 1: 

This provides you with a summary of your account, including the current account balance and last payment made. 

 Directly below the Account Summary you will see Partick Works Ltd bank account details, which you should use to settle any outstanding balance. 

 The Factoring Team’s contact details are also located here.

Page 2:

This Statement of Account has now been included to show payments that have been made during the period since your last invoice. 

This will now be included in all Quarterly Invoices for your records.

Page 3:

Here you will find a list of charges for the services provided, and repairs undertaken, for the period covering 1/10/23 – 31/12/23. 

Below are some Question and Answers (Q&As) that we believe will be asked regarding this invoice format:

 Q: Why are there two different types of charge description where one shows my percentage share of work, and the other does not?

  A: Both charges are worked out to your apportioned percentage share.

  • Cyclical contract work, such as gutter clearing, garden maintenance or close cleaning do not show your percentage share as these are pre planned and instructed cyclical work at a fixed charge as part of an annual contract.
  • Electricity charges and responsive repair charges show your percentage share of the work as these invoices are inputted to the system as and when we receive them.
  • We are looking into options to see if we can change the cyclical contract work to show your percentage share.  Please be advised that this is part of an ongoing project where we are still evaluating the options available to us.

Q: Why are there more electricity charges showing on this quarterly invoice than previous ones?

A: There are several reasons behind this:

  • The old system we worked with rolled all quarterly invoices into one single charge which was shown on customer invoices.
  • This new system shows monthly charges based on the invoices received and paid for over the quarter.
  • We have also experienced some difficulties with our new energy suppliers earlier in the year where the invoices being provided did not have the information we required (meter readings, supply address etc) to recharge our customers, which meant that most customers did not receive electricity charges on their last few invoices.
  • The above has now been rectified, however, this has also led to several credit notes also being applied to customer accounts which has created additional lines on the customer charges account.
  • Please be advised that the above does not apply to all properties but does provide a general overview for most.

Q: Why is the date on the Invoice and Statement of Account differ from the date range the invoice covers 1/10/23 – 31/12/23.

A: The date on the Invoice and Statement of Account is the date that the invoice was finally run, once we were satisfied that the anomalies we discovered had been rectified.

This means that whilst the fixed charges that cover the quarter period are noted on the invoice, this will also include any repairs or invoices paid up to the invoice run date.  

Please be advised that we are confident that this this anomaly will not happen again.